Leveled Literacy Intervention - LLI is what we use as our main reading program.
At the elementary level we have five kits.
Orange- Kindergarten
Green- First/Second
Blue- Second/Third
Red- Fourth/Fifth
Gold- Fourth/Fifth
Each kit has around 110-130 lessons.
Every day a new lesson is taught.
It takes about 10 days/ lessons until moving up to the next level. If this is too soon, we usually have to go back to another kit to complete that reading level. They overlap slightly with levels.
Odd numbered days are the students instructional levels and even numbered days are two reading levels below, at their independent level to practice their fluency.
You may see them coming back to the classroom with different levels each day, this is why.
This program is made to move our students along and catch them up in hopes to quickly release them out of the reading program and back into the classroom full-time.
LLI Daily Schedule:
1. Come in return book and reread new book
2. Do a running record with one student while others are rereading
3. Do Phonics Word Work
4. Into to New Book
5. Children find their "special spots" while I confer with them
6. Gather back to discuss
While conferring with each student, they are accountable for their own reading goals while I guide them. They decide if they need to work on: Words, Fluency, or Comprehension. I take notes on Google Docs for easy sharing. This was shared with my classroom teachers in the beginning of the year.
If I am conferring with students and others have finished their book- they can log onto Flipgrid and do a comprehension conversation.
With this, they know that they can answer questions I have posted in the room- questions that are sometimes difficult to many on their running records.
They can read for fluency, discuss problem and solution, the part that was most interesting to them, etc.
When I am finished conferring with all my students, if time allows we gather back to the table and do a Kathoot!
This is a great for team work, or seeing what they comprehended individually.
Each day we follow this same routine.
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