It's always important for our students to know what they will be focusing on as a reader each day. They need to clearly see it in front of them to be a constant reminder of what their goal is for that day. While teaching the LLI program, there are many different goals that my children use throughout each lesson, to focus on one wouldn't work. I find that going over with them the goals they need as readers daily before each lesson is ideal. When it comes time to independently read, I allow them to chose their own goal and keep it placed in front of them. They understand that we are all different and may not have the same reading goals as our friends. It amazes me to see how they know just what goal to chose for themselves. They are very aware of their strengths and weaknesses, even as young as 1st and 2nd grade.
These are their daily goals before each lesson. The last sheet hanging is their phonics word work which I change for each lesson, the others are goals all readers should focus on while reading.
When it comes time to read independently, they each get their own goal sheet and focus on one goal in particular. They place the star next to the goal they feel they need to really practice the most. This allows me to really form a great teaching moment with them while conferring as well. If I feel the goal is not in their best interest (it usually is), then I will discuss with them a goal I see better fit for them to work on at that time and why. I like to be open with my discussions on why they need to work on specific goals.
Mrs K. 💖
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