Reading Goals

Thursday, January 19, 2017
I will be starting Leveled Literacy Intervention within the next week with my first graders.  They have moved from Double Dose Fundations to LLI now.  

There are a lot of components in LLI and different goals throughout the entire lesson to focus on (phonics word work, fluency, comprehension). It can be a bit overwhelming to constantly change all these goals for numerous classes/levels throughout the day.  

I recently shared my 2nd -4th grade goals on a previous post, but for my first graders I wanted to keep it more simple.  

I love having the I CAN statement/goals on the board, but I feel that it's important, especially with my younger ones (first grade) to keep them in front of them on the table to be seen throughout the entire lesson.  I know their eyes are always on what's in front of them and not necessarily always on the board.  

I wanted to focus on three goals while I have my first graders: 1. Phonics, 2. Fluency, 3. Comprehension.  

I have it sent up as... I can sound out words I do not know (phonics strategies)... I can read with fluency... I can think about what I am reading (comprehension) in the most basic way for them to understand.  

Each session they will have their own sheet in front of them.  I like to hold my students accountable for their own goals.  What they think they need to work on as a reader.  They will place the star post-it next to the goal they will be focusing on that day as a reader during independent reading time.  

Of course I will guide them if I feel their goal is not correct.  

Mrs. Klein 💕

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